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Thursday 3 July 2008

An Adjective Describes...

  • a substantive:

- He met a pretty girl.

- Cuba is a beautiful island.

  • some verbs: to be, to get, to become, to turn, to grow (=werden)

-Be careful!

-I'm tired and I'm getting hungry.

-He grew angry.

-As the class went on, it became more and more boring.

  • to seem (=scheinen), to feel (anfühlen), look (aussehen), to taste (=schmecken), smell (riechen nach), sound (=klingen) à when these verbs tell us what something or somebody is like!!

-The dinner smells good.

-You look tired. - Well, I feel tired.

-The pullover feels soft.

-The tea tastes a bit strange.

-The new Tom Waits album sounds great. I have to go and buy it.

  • if we want to say how somebody does something we must use an adverb: (the -ly form):

  • describes a verb: she sings beautifully
  • describes an adjective: she is extremely pretty
  • describes an adverb: he runs extremely quickly
  • describes a participle: the children are badly taught

Exceptions and Irregularities:

  • good --> well
  • hard, late, near --> are both adjectives and adverbs
  • hardly (=kaum), nearly (=beinahe), lately (in letzter Zeit)
  • fast, straight, enough, daily, weekly, monthly, early --> adj. and adv. also have the same form
  • for adjective ending in -ly (e.g. friendly, silly) --> the adverb is formed with in a ...way (e.g. in a friendly way, in a silly way)
  • if you talk about health: to be + adv. (e.g. How are you? I'm well thanks).

Source : Grammar Tutorial

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